Monday, September 10, 2012

Exercise For Belly Fat

Do you want to get rid of your belly fat?  There are several factors that are important when you want to lose those extra few inches around your waist.  Get a proper diet without compromising on nutritional value, enough rest and good exercise are a good way to lose those pounds for good.

The best exercises for belly fat weight loss - beat the bulge!

Many people assume that in order to get rid of belly fat and having a well toned flat stomach, they have to work hard and have to do crunches, sit-ups and other difficult fitness training. Or they believe the stories that it is possible to get a six pack abs with just 5 minutes of daily workout.


The best way to get rid of your belly fat is simply by just changing your eating habits, and doing cardiovascular exercise.  The companies who are trying to sell the fitness equipment are not for losing fat but to tone muscle. Toning muscles is useless without losing the fat that is covering it. Simply because nobody is able to see your beautiful toned muscles.

So the easiest thing you can do to burn away the body fat is by changing your diet. You can increase your metabolism by eating more frequent and smaller meals, this will help you burn off excess fat. The reason why it works like this, is because our ancestors used to live in caves and hunted for foods. Our bodies are designed to store fat for future use, when the hunt for food was not successful.

When you just eat 2-3 times a day your body will store the fat and also slow down your metabolism to conserve energy, because it will not know when the next meal will come.
You can trick your body into burning more fat instead of storing it by eating small meals 5-6 times a day. Because it thinks it is getting regular meals it will start burning fat instead of storing it.

Also no exercise is going to work it you are eating the wrong foods. But you do not have to make immediate and complete overhaul of what you eat. Start by eating wholegrain bread instead of white and wholemeal pasta and brown rice. Try and cut down on saturated fats, sweets, cakes and pastries. For a snack try some fruit instead of potato chips.

To be successful with losing weight you will have to combine your new healthy eating habit with some fat burning workouts. By doing cardiovascular exercises combined with a lower calorie intake will help you  burn off the extra pounds and get rid of that belly fat. When your body is consistently burning off more calories than you are putting in, weight-loss in inevitable.

So now you know what the best exercise is for getting rid of belly fat. Start today by doing some cardio exercise in your spare time instead of sitting and watching TV. Also when you make your next grocery trip, remember that just a few changes will make a huge difference and will start to pay off!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fat Belly Pictures

Do you also have a large belly like those depicted in some of these fat belly pictures? Would you like to lose stomach fat? Read the article below with tips how to lose weight.


How to lower stomach fat levels to create a more sexier slim version of you. 

Many people, especially women, struggle with the problem of unsightly stomach fat. A lot of women in otherwise perfect shape struggle with a huge bulge below the waist. They try stomach crunches and twists, with little or no effect. That lower belly bulge stubbornly refuses to budge or shrink.

The first thing to remember is that there is no such thing as spot reducing. You cannot lose weight in just one area of your body. To take off pounds in the stomach, you will have to lose weight over you whole body. If you’re happy with the way the rest of your body looks, then the best way to attack it is with exercise. Choose exercises that involve the whole body, or at least most of it. Trying to target just the abdominals is ineffective. Use weights that you can manage comfortably, but which are heavy enough for you to have to exert yourself.

The rest of the problem is in what you are eating. It is not necessarily how much, but often the types of foods you eat that are putting fat on in the stomach area. Try to eliminate all processed foods and fast foods from your diet. Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats or poultry. Avoid carbohydrates and fat.

Some excellent foods for reducing stomach fat are raw vegetables like broccoli, celery, lettuce, and cauliflower, plus lean beef, turkey, and skinless chicken. The vegetables are low in calories but also require a lot of work for your body to process them. They are also good sources of fiber, which can help keep your digestive system regular. Protein, like lean beef, also requires your body to work harder to digest them than it has to with carbohydrates. Don’t ruin its benefits by deep frying it; opt for baked, broiled, boiled, or fried without any additional fat.

Drink plenty of water, preferably ice water since it will have to be warmed in your stomach before it can be processed. This will raise your metabolism, as will warm water with a little lemon juice in it.

Don’t let yourself become constipated. Many people find that a lifetime of high sugar intake has led to a system that depends on the sugar for regularity. Once the sugar is removed from the diet, constipation results. Just three or four days of being constipated can mean that you are carrying around ten or twelve pounds of waste, and it is in just the spot you want to reduce–your stomach area. Making sure that your water and fiber intake is adequate can help keep you regular.

Finally, if you have stomach fat, don’t slouch. This only makes it look worse. Stand up straight and pull in your muscles. This will not only make you look slimmer, but it is a good habit to start and will help tone your muscles. Notice the posture in the before and after pictures for diet supplements or weight loss equipment. You will probably find that in the before pictures, the shoulders are sagging and so is the belly. In the after pictures, the shoulders are squared and the stomach muscles are pulled in. Correct posture can make you look thinner instantly, and the other tips can further the cause.

Bonus Tip: If you really want to Lose Weight fast, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can shed pounds every week with this method!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Foods that contain trans-fats

Trans-fats are present in a wide range of foods: according to one estimate, 40 percent of products in the typical US supermarket contain trans fat, and the UK is not far behind.

This is because the hydrogenated vegetable fats which provide most dietary trans-fat are a mainstay of the food industry - a cheap bulking agent perfect for padding out expensive processed products, with a long shelf life and a luxurious ‘mouth feel’.

They are to be found, for example, in margarine, vegetable shortening, ice-cream, puddings & pudding mixes, ready-made pies, cakes & cake mixes, biscuits, pizza, potato chips, fritters, doughnuts, gravy & sauce mixes, artificial creamers, confectionery and other processed foods, including many foods marketed at children, including some sugary breakfast cereals.

When shopping in the US, always inspect the list of ingredients before you buy any product, looking in particular for:
  •     hydrogenated vegetable oil
  •     partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
  •     vegetable shortening
  •     margarine

In other countries (such as the UK) there may not be a requirement to list whether an oil has been hydrogenated, but if the man ingredient says vegetable oil it is very likely canola or rape seed oil which is high in poly-unsaturates and therefore trans-fats could very likely have been created during the oil extraction process, so be aware of that.

For more information:

Monday, September 3, 2012

The fats you didn’t know could kill you

For years, healthy eaters have been warned about the dangers of saturated fats. But now, there’s a new enemy on the horizon: trans fats.

Recent research has found that these new fats make you pile on weight around the abdomen, even if you’re on a diet. This abdominal fat is dangerous because it pumps out chemicals that are linked to the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Trans fats have other negative effects, says scientist Dr Joanne Lunn of the British Nutrition Foundation: “They have been shown not only to raise LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood but also to lower HDL (good cholesterol).”

They increase blood levels of two other compounds linked to clogged arteries: a fat-protein particle called lipoprotein, and triglycerides, another type of fat. Trans fats are also thought to inflame and stiffen arteries.

Some experts believe that trans fats are more damaging than saturated fats, and the Consumers’ Association has suggested cutting consumption of these fats could reduce UK heart disease deaths by 25 per cent a year.

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