Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Health and fitness tips - how to get rid of exess fat

Here are some tips if you are trying to lose weight. They are not earthshaking, but the challenge is just to do it.

  1. Visualize yourself as you want to BE

    There are many books written on the subject of the mind-body connection. There is little doubt that this has a physical effect. One of the most easiest techniques available is that we change ourselves through visualization: in our minds eye we create exactly how we seek to be.  Planting a mental image firmly in the theatre of our mind adds power to your ability to follow through with dietary boundaries, exercise programs and other facets of a healthy lifestyle that will, in time, translate into physical results. This vision seldom fades and almost never disappears.
  2. Write down your vision and physical goals

    You probably know that everyone has a different learning style. Some learn by hearing, others by seeing and still others by touching: auditory, visual and tactile. So, doesn’t it make sense that when you want to teach yourself a new skill (such as becoming healthy and fit) that you might also engage in the three learning styles…just to make sure you have the goals fully ingrained. So, after you have a vision, work out a time frame and actions that will lead to the accomplishment of your goals. Realism is important at this point. Heroics or demanding super-human physical feats of yourself will not serve you well. Steady goes the course. The most important action will be your own consistency!

    Writing it all down helps you to remember what you told yourself you wanted to do and also over what time frame. You might make a chart…some even attach rewards to completion of actions…not results. Just as in elementary school when you received awards for attendance, not performance. Resist the temptation to grade yourself. Reward yourself for taking the right actions…the results will come.
  3. Have an accountability partner

    When you tell someone you will do something, you probably do it. However, when you tell yourself you will do something, you can probably figure out dozens of “reasons” or “excuses” of why it did not happen.  For most people this paradox is just an example of human nature. Suggestion: don’t fight it. Just take another tact: TELL SOMEONE what you are going to do and ask them to help you be accountable. My greatest counselling successes have been with people who have been willing to be accountable to me on a daily basis. The accountability we practices was a simple 3-5 minute phone call. The agenda was simple: did you do what you said you were going to do; how do you feel and what are your plans for tomorrow…that’s it. Nothing complicated or esoteric. My role is to help someone be accountable to themselves.

  4. Today counts

    How good is your “remember-er?” How fast is your “forget-er”? Many people would say that they forget about 10 times as fast as they remember. I suggest you keep it simple and focus on the day at hand. As you make each day a success, the excitement will grow, the resolve with get stronger and you will have results. Resist, if you will, the possibility of not succeeding as you do your best each day.


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