Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Exercises To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Do you have a large belly? Why not do some easy exercises to lose that belly fat. Exercises are still one of the best methods to get rid of belly fat. Doing exercises has more advantages than just doing a diet. Besides feeling more fit one will learn discipline and enhance one's stamina by doing these exercises.


If you have developed this belly after having a child, or maybe you have always had it? Losing the last 10 pounds seems like an impossible task. Whatever the cause, belly fat seems like the final hurdle between final weight loss. I know what it feels like when it is a battle going on between you and the fat cells. Fortunately we know more and more these days about the causes and solutions and this will lead hopefully to tighter abs and flatter tummies.

There are specific exercises to get rid of belly fat.  You might have heard that specific training exercises do not have effect on losing weight at certain areas, but new research says this information is outdated. According to the Mayo Clinic website, there are new studies that show stomach exercises do have a great effect on visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat deep below our skin and surrounding the organs. This fat is actually more dangerous and is associated with  a variety of diseases.

A good exercise is this one:
Lie on your back with your feet up in the air. Reach for your toes toward the spy while raising your bottom off the ground. Do 20 to 25 reps, rest for 30 seconds and then repeat the exercise. Do three "sets" to help with the lower portion of the bulge. If you have trouble going 20 or 25 reps start with a lower number and increase if you are able to do more.

Then get on all fours, holding your back nice and straight. Allow your tummy to hang down and slowly pull it up like there is a string inside your belly button and someone is pulling you up. Now hold for about 10 seconds while still breathing. Then release, rest for 10 seconds and repeat. This is an exercise you can also do while you are sitting or standing like waiting to pick up your child from school or in the grocery check out.

The other fat, subcutaneous fat, is the fat that people are more concerned with when they think about their appearance. No fat is great for you, but the fat right below your skin is definitely less dangerous than the visceral fat around your organs. Unfortunately, it’s what makes us look fat.

So, how do we get rid of that? Subcutaneous fat will most likely not respond to stomach crunches and crazy ab routines. Instead do a lot of cardio, aerobic exercise and combine that with stretching and strength training. Think pilates-type long stretches and time on the elliptical.

Some of the best stretching and lengthening can be done in a pool. You can really feel long, and lean and move some muscles more than you ever have before in a safe environment. Hold the side of the pool with your hands, put your head down so your neck is straight with your back and just reach all the way through your body. Imagine you are trying to touch the other side of the pool.

For an out of the pool exercise, hold your hands above your head and gently stretch backwards, feeling your entire core stretch out. You can also do this exercise with bands for some resistance.

Remember that besides doing exercises to get rid of your excess weight that a proper diet is a major component to weight loss. Try to limit sugar and refined food and instead eat fruits, vegetables and whole foods. This along with strengthening your core and losing the fat above it, you will see your abs pop through in no time.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Exercise For Belly Fat

Do you want to get rid of your belly fat?  There are several factors that are important when you want to lose those extra few inches around your waist.  Get a proper diet without compromising on nutritional value, enough rest and good exercise are a good way to lose those pounds for good.

The best exercises for belly fat weight loss - beat the bulge!

Many people assume that in order to get rid of belly fat and having a well toned flat stomach, they have to work hard and have to do crunches, sit-ups and other difficult fitness training. Or they believe the stories that it is possible to get a six pack abs with just 5 minutes of daily workout.


The best way to get rid of your belly fat is simply by just changing your eating habits, and doing cardiovascular exercise.  The companies who are trying to sell the fitness equipment are not for losing fat but to tone muscle. Toning muscles is useless without losing the fat that is covering it. Simply because nobody is able to see your beautiful toned muscles.

So the easiest thing you can do to burn away the body fat is by changing your diet. You can increase your metabolism by eating more frequent and smaller meals, this will help you burn off excess fat. The reason why it works like this, is because our ancestors used to live in caves and hunted for foods. Our bodies are designed to store fat for future use, when the hunt for food was not successful.

When you just eat 2-3 times a day your body will store the fat and also slow down your metabolism to conserve energy, because it will not know when the next meal will come.
You can trick your body into burning more fat instead of storing it by eating small meals 5-6 times a day. Because it thinks it is getting regular meals it will start burning fat instead of storing it.

Also no exercise is going to work it you are eating the wrong foods. But you do not have to make immediate and complete overhaul of what you eat. Start by eating wholegrain bread instead of white and wholemeal pasta and brown rice. Try and cut down on saturated fats, sweets, cakes and pastries. For a snack try some fruit instead of potato chips.

To be successful with losing weight you will have to combine your new healthy eating habit with some fat burning workouts. By doing cardiovascular exercises combined with a lower calorie intake will help you  burn off the extra pounds and get rid of that belly fat. When your body is consistently burning off more calories than you are putting in, weight-loss in inevitable.

So now you know what the best exercise is for getting rid of belly fat. Start today by doing some cardio exercise in your spare time instead of sitting and watching TV. Also when you make your next grocery trip, remember that just a few changes will make a huge difference and will start to pay off!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fat Belly Pictures

Do you also have a large belly like those depicted in some of these fat belly pictures? Would you like to lose stomach fat? Read the article below with tips how to lose weight.


How to lower stomach fat levels to create a more sexier slim version of you. 

Many people, especially women, struggle with the problem of unsightly stomach fat. A lot of women in otherwise perfect shape struggle with a huge bulge below the waist. They try stomach crunches and twists, with little or no effect. That lower belly bulge stubbornly refuses to budge or shrink.

The first thing to remember is that there is no such thing as spot reducing. You cannot lose weight in just one area of your body. To take off pounds in the stomach, you will have to lose weight over you whole body. If you’re happy with the way the rest of your body looks, then the best way to attack it is with exercise. Choose exercises that involve the whole body, or at least most of it. Trying to target just the abdominals is ineffective. Use weights that you can manage comfortably, but which are heavy enough for you to have to exert yourself.

The rest of the problem is in what you are eating. It is not necessarily how much, but often the types of foods you eat that are putting fat on in the stomach area. Try to eliminate all processed foods and fast foods from your diet. Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats or poultry. Avoid carbohydrates and fat.

Some excellent foods for reducing stomach fat are raw vegetables like broccoli, celery, lettuce, and cauliflower, plus lean beef, turkey, and skinless chicken. The vegetables are low in calories but also require a lot of work for your body to process them. They are also good sources of fiber, which can help keep your digestive system regular. Protein, like lean beef, also requires your body to work harder to digest them than it has to with carbohydrates. Don’t ruin its benefits by deep frying it; opt for baked, broiled, boiled, or fried without any additional fat.

Drink plenty of water, preferably ice water since it will have to be warmed in your stomach before it can be processed. This will raise your metabolism, as will warm water with a little lemon juice in it.

Don’t let yourself become constipated. Many people find that a lifetime of high sugar intake has led to a system that depends on the sugar for regularity. Once the sugar is removed from the diet, constipation results. Just three or four days of being constipated can mean that you are carrying around ten or twelve pounds of waste, and it is in just the spot you want to reduce–your stomach area. Making sure that your water and fiber intake is adequate can help keep you regular.

Finally, if you have stomach fat, don’t slouch. This only makes it look worse. Stand up straight and pull in your muscles. This will not only make you look slimmer, but it is a good habit to start and will help tone your muscles. Notice the posture in the before and after pictures for diet supplements or weight loss equipment. You will probably find that in the before pictures, the shoulders are sagging and so is the belly. In the after pictures, the shoulders are squared and the stomach muscles are pulled in. Correct posture can make you look thinner instantly, and the other tips can further the cause.

Bonus Tip: If you really want to Lose Weight fast, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can shed pounds every week with this method!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Foods that contain trans-fats

Trans-fats are present in a wide range of foods: according to one estimate, 40 percent of products in the typical US supermarket contain trans fat, and the UK is not far behind.

This is because the hydrogenated vegetable fats which provide most dietary trans-fat are a mainstay of the food industry - a cheap bulking agent perfect for padding out expensive processed products, with a long shelf life and a luxurious ‘mouth feel’.

They are to be found, for example, in margarine, vegetable shortening, ice-cream, puddings & pudding mixes, ready-made pies, cakes & cake mixes, biscuits, pizza, potato chips, fritters, doughnuts, gravy & sauce mixes, artificial creamers, confectionery and other processed foods, including many foods marketed at children, including some sugary breakfast cereals.

When shopping in the US, always inspect the list of ingredients before you buy any product, looking in particular for:
  •     hydrogenated vegetable oil
  •     partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
  •     vegetable shortening
  •     margarine

In other countries (such as the UK) there may not be a requirement to list whether an oil has been hydrogenated, but if the man ingredient says vegetable oil it is very likely canola or rape seed oil which is high in poly-unsaturates and therefore trans-fats could very likely have been created during the oil extraction process, so be aware of that.

For more information:

Monday, September 3, 2012

The fats you didn’t know could kill you

For years, healthy eaters have been warned about the dangers of saturated fats. But now, there’s a new enemy on the horizon: trans fats.

Recent research has found that these new fats make you pile on weight around the abdomen, even if you’re on a diet. This abdominal fat is dangerous because it pumps out chemicals that are linked to the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Trans fats have other negative effects, says scientist Dr Joanne Lunn of the British Nutrition Foundation: “They have been shown not only to raise LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood but also to lower HDL (good cholesterol).”

They increase blood levels of two other compounds linked to clogged arteries: a fat-protein particle called lipoprotein, and triglycerides, another type of fat. Trans fats are also thought to inflame and stiffen arteries.

Some experts believe that trans fats are more damaging than saturated fats, and the Consumers’ Association has suggested cutting consumption of these fats could reduce UK heart disease deaths by 25 per cent a year.

Full Story 

Friday, August 31, 2012

20 Tips to Lose Weight without a diet plan

To Lose 1lb of body weight you have to drop down 500 calories than Normal. Here is a quick guide to losing a little weight without going on a diet.

  1. Instead of drinking a glass of orange juice eat a whole orange. This will save you about 45 calories.
  2. Make an omlette with egg whites it is filling yet good on calories. Replace the regular bacon with low fat / Canadian bacon to save even more calories.
  3. Switch to nonfat or lowfat milk.
  4. Stop using sugar or use an substitute like stevia or honey. If you use less sugar in your coffee or tea.
  5. Use mustard instead of mayonnaise on your sandwich. This saves you 100 calories per table spoon.
  6. Stop using cheese. This saves you 100 calories per serving. Or switch to low fat cheese. 
  7. Fast food fan? Instead of eating a big mac or double whopper with large fries. Go for a small hamburger and small french fries and save a whopping 590 calories.
  8. Stop eating potatoe chips and eat an apple instead. This will save you 200 calories (with an average serving of 9 - 14 patatoe chips) and has an extra benefit of adding more fibers to your daily doiet.
  9. Substitute your regular soda's for diet cola or iced tea. You’ll save 150-200 calories per drink!
  10. Eat every two to three hours with smaller portions. Don’t skip breakfast! Eating small, frequent meals keeps blood glucose levels stable and minimizes the impulse to overeat.
  11. Want to snack? Substitute your regular snacks with healthy snacks like dried fruit, nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables or yoghurt. 
  12. Substitute whole grain foods for white bread, rice and cereals. You will not only cut fat and calories, but whole grains have been proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer by increasing the fiber that your body needs.
  13. Saute meat, chicken and vegetables in broth instead of butter. And speaking of butter: replace it with nonfat sour cream on baked potatoes.
  14. Instead of Caesar salad, substitute a dinner salad with nonfat salad dressing. Do you love pasta? Have spaghetti with marinara sauce instead of fettuccini with Alfredo sauce. You’ll save at least 500 calories!
  15. When you’re going out with friends, watch your alcohol intake. Instead of using Coke or Seven-Up with your drinks, choose tonic water or seltzer.
  16. Restaurants are notorious for their huge serving sizes. Eat only half of your dinner and save the rest for lunch tomorrow. Or simply share the meal with a friend.
  17. Get moving. Walk to the store instead of driving. Walking is the best exercise you can do to lose weight. Or go cycling.
  18. Get more walking time by replacing coffee breaks with exercise breaks. Also use half of your lunch break to take a brisk walk with a co-worker.
  19. Go swimming.  By swimming for just an hour you can burn 500 calories. You’ll also end up with a firmer, more toned body.
  20. Drink plenty of water. Water clears your body of toxins and helps hydrate your body after exercise.
You don’t have to go on a strict diet to lose weight. Change to more sensible eating habits and start moving your body by walking, swimming or bicycle riding. You’ll be rewarded by good health and a fit body.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Health and fitness tips - how to get rid of exess fat

Here are some tips if you are trying to lose weight. They are not earthshaking, but the challenge is just to do it.

  1. Visualize yourself as you want to BE

    There are many books written on the subject of the mind-body connection. There is little doubt that this has a physical effect. One of the most easiest techniques available is that we change ourselves through visualization: in our minds eye we create exactly how we seek to be.  Planting a mental image firmly in the theatre of our mind adds power to your ability to follow through with dietary boundaries, exercise programs and other facets of a healthy lifestyle that will, in time, translate into physical results. This vision seldom fades and almost never disappears.
  2. Write down your vision and physical goals

    You probably know that everyone has a different learning style. Some learn by hearing, others by seeing and still others by touching: auditory, visual and tactile. So, doesn’t it make sense that when you want to teach yourself a new skill (such as becoming healthy and fit) that you might also engage in the three learning styles…just to make sure you have the goals fully ingrained. So, after you have a vision, work out a time frame and actions that will lead to the accomplishment of your goals. Realism is important at this point. Heroics or demanding super-human physical feats of yourself will not serve you well. Steady goes the course. The most important action will be your own consistency!

    Writing it all down helps you to remember what you told yourself you wanted to do and also over what time frame. You might make a chart…some even attach rewards to completion of actions…not results. Just as in elementary school when you received awards for attendance, not performance. Resist the temptation to grade yourself. Reward yourself for taking the right actions…the results will come.
  3. Have an accountability partner

    When you tell someone you will do something, you probably do it. However, when you tell yourself you will do something, you can probably figure out dozens of “reasons” or “excuses” of why it did not happen.  For most people this paradox is just an example of human nature. Suggestion: don’t fight it. Just take another tact: TELL SOMEONE what you are going to do and ask them to help you be accountable. My greatest counselling successes have been with people who have been willing to be accountable to me on a daily basis. The accountability we practices was a simple 3-5 minute phone call. The agenda was simple: did you do what you said you were going to do; how do you feel and what are your plans for tomorrow…that’s it. Nothing complicated or esoteric. My role is to help someone be accountable to themselves.

  4. Today counts

    How good is your “remember-er?” How fast is your “forget-er”? Many people would say that they forget about 10 times as fast as they remember. I suggest you keep it simple and focus on the day at hand. As you make each day a success, the excitement will grow, the resolve with get stronger and you will have results. Resist, if you will, the possibility of not succeeding as you do your best each day.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Eat Right - Eat Healthy - What You Can Eat for Optimum Health

Whatever your current state of health you can make choices that will work toward building health everyday. For some, sadly, improvement will be
minimal, as a disease may have literally overtaken them. For others each meal that is well chosen for its nutrition is yet another step toward optimizing
the health they currently enjoy. And, for others choosing foods wisely may even improve their current health and help them prevent the killers: cancer, diabetes and heart problems.

And, I suggest that no one allow the media controversies that I call "sound bite" science to dissuade them from what seems to make sense. There is some disagreement about the finer points of nutrition. This is simply and wonderfully because there is more and more research is being done. Eventually it will all, I believe, come together as a jigsaw puzzle falls into place as key pieces are found and inserted.

In the meantime here are some basic suggestions that I believe work for most folks:
  • Eat more and more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat as much locally grown fruits and vegetables as is possible and ones that are as ripe as possible. These ripen fruits and vegetables contain the highest levels of phytochemcials, and antioxidants that are known to useful at the cellular / molecular level.
  • Limit consumption of animal fats.
  • Avoid hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils 
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.
  • Pay attention to how your body responds to dairy products.  Many adults become lactose intolerant as they grow older.
  • Limit highly refined carbohydrates
  • Pay attention to your digestive system noting when and how often you are constipated or have diarrhea. Incomplete digestion means that you are not getting the fullest value from the foods you eat. 
  • Pay attention to how you feel after you eat. Lethargy after a high carbohydrate meal may indicate that your body does not process carbohydrates well. Or, that your body needs more protein or fat with the carbohydrates.
  • Investigate appropriate supplements including the highest quality vitamins and minerals. Do your own homework/due diligence so that you are fully educated as to the amounts, form and bioavilability of the products you may select, as all are not equal.
  • Pay attention to changes your hair, skin, nails, eyesight, stamina and sleep patterns. All of these can be indicators of nutritional deficiencies.
  • Watch the portions of food you eat. Sometimes getting rid of excess fat is as simple as reducing portions.
  • Lastly, remember your body cells are changing as you read this, as you breathe, as you sleep. You are constantly being made anew. Be sure to give your body what it needs to make you and remake you healthy. For in many ways, you are what you eat, digest and absorb.
Are you looking for a diet that will change your lifestyle and keep those pounds off?  I can really recommend the diet solution by Isabel de Los Rios.

The program was developed by her to help her mother get rid of diabetic medication. Not only was she successful in helping her mother of her medication and help her lose 40lbs in the process, but also created a program that is helping millions of overweight people getting back in shape and losing those excess pounds. This weight loss program is the result of 15 years of study and research.

You can read the review on this webpage or visit her site directly here.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Best Healthy Diet Plans

It's not likely that if you eat unhealthy that you are going to lose weight. That's why it is important to start a healthy diet plan.

What should you take into consideration when setting up a healthy diet plan? What can I eat or drink and what should be avoided at all costs?  It is important to avoid eating or drinking all products that contain high amounts of sugar. A good example is soda it contains high amounts of sugar. So you should try to drink alternatives to these types of drinks. In food you should avoid eating products which high amount of fat, calories and sugars.

If you are planning to follow a good weight loss diet plan there are three things you should look for:

1. Diets that promise you really fast weight loss in a short period should probably be avoided. Why? It is not good and probably even dangerous for your body to lose lots of weight in a short period of time. Also chances are pretty high that you will regain these weight loss. So its better to go a bit slower and keep these weight loss. I would recommend to go for a program that will  go for lasting change in your lifestyle.

2. Assess long term benefits of the diet. Your diet plan should not only help you lose weight in the short term but also assist you in keeping this weight loss in the long term. Many of these fad diets will help you lose weight quickly, but in the long term you will end up gaining all that weight again in a matter of a few months. This will not help you. Fad diets do not work and will not help you in the long term.

3. How it their customer support? Do they offer a refund policy if you are not satisfied with the results? Some programs charge extra for their customer service and support and you have to buy extra products from them adding to the total costs of the product. Educate yourself by looking on the internet what people say about the product. Or maybe it has been tested by a consumer panel or a test magazine.

Are you looking for a good healthy diet to follow to lose those excess pounds? I can really recommend Isabel De Los Rios program the diet solution where you learn what foods are good for you and your family. It covers nutrition and dieting and is a real life style changer. Find out more here  It is is backed by a 60 day money back guarantee.
Isabel De Los Rios is a certified nutritionist and the owner of New Body a fitness and nutrition centre based in New Jersey.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to organise a healthy diet

Planning a healthy diet is very important if your goal is to lose weight or even just to keep healthy. The diet provides you with all the nutrients and energy you require on a daily basis. In the beginning you might find planning a healthy meal a real difficult job, but it is worth it in the long run. You can save yourself a lot of energy by planning in advance what you are going to cook the next day. Also this makes it easier to shop ahead and save you time.

Here are some great healthy meal plan tips to help you succeed in your mission and get organized:

  1. Build up your store cupboard. 

    You need to stock your cupboard and refrigerator with items you can use in several weeks time. Try to keep canned goods, pasta, olives, dried herbes, frozen vegetables, spices, tuna and other fish. All these items are healthy ingredients and allow you to make a quick simple meal that fits easily in your weekly meal plan.
  2. Collect recipes

    Try to collect recipes. There are lots to be found online or in books. Try to find easy recipes that you can make in a short time. This will allow you to enjoy a variety of dishes on a daily basis.
  3. Packed lunches

    Include packed lunches in your plans. Add a list of different sandwich fillings to your menus. Try to vary the lunch and evening meals.
  4. Vegetables and fruits

    Add vegetables in every meal. They are healthy and easy to prepare. Also include fruits in your meal plan. They are important for getting a good amount of fibre, vitamins and minerals that your body requires on a daily basis.

  5. Limit sugar intake

    Try to replace sugar with honey. Or just take less sugar in your tea or coffee.
  6. Skim milk

    Skimmed milk is low in fat and provides the same amount of nutrients and calcium as full cream milk does.
  7. Whole grains

    Eating whole grains is important for a healthy diet. Include whole wheat, brown wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain barley and millet. Avoid food with refined grains such as breads, pastas and breakfast cereals.

  8. Oils

    Olive oil is a great alternative as it low in fat and cholesterol.
  9. Protein

    Make sure that your healthy diet plan includes a good amount of protein. Include a variety of poultry, beans, nuts, eggs, fish, peas and seeds.

Are you looking for a diet that will change your lifestyle and keep those pounds off?  I can really recommend the diet solution by Isabel de Los Rios.

The program was developed by her to help her mother get rid of diabetic medication. Not only was she successful in helping her mother of her medication and help her lose 40lbs in the process, but also created a program that is helping millions of overweight people getting back in shape and losing those excess pounds. This weight loss program is the result of 15 years of study and research.

You can read the review on this webpage or visit her site directly here.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Benefits Of Healthy Diet

In the western world we are privileged that we can choose each day of the week what we would like to eat. With these blessing came the need for convenience like processed and fast foods. Unfortunately this hasn't been a good thing for our body. We need to learn that the eating a more varied and natural diet like we had before processed foods and fast food can have a very positive affect on both the body as well as the mind.

The most obvious benefit is that we have a stable and healthy weight. Just losing weight is not enough to understand what a healthy body weight means. If you lose too much weight it will have an equally detrimental effect on your health as when you are morbidly obese. Most of us would like to lose a certain amount of weight, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight requires an intricate understanding of what is needed for a healthy diet.

What is a healthy diet? We should eat the right foods that have a positive effect on our overall well-being. Many foods have been recognised as being vital in areas like heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes and overall increased blood pressure.

A balanced eating plan has a big effect on our body as well as mind. This is because the food we eat is the fuel for our body and brain. And getting the right combination of food is crucial to keep us fill of energy throughout the day.  Having the correct amount of slow release as well as high energy foods, will help us  keep a stable level of energy throughout the day and avoid having any periods of sluggishness. Having your energy levels swinging dramatically through peaks and troughs can leave you feeling tired and drained.


Healthy eating is all about learning what foods are good for us, and also to understand why we need the correct balance of these different foods. It is not hard but does require a little time and discipline to reap the rewards. A few simple changes can bring great benefits from healthy eating.

If you are looking for a great diet I can really recommend the diet solution by Isabel de Los Rios.

The program was developed by her to help her mother get rid of diabetic medication. Not only was she successful in helping her mother of her medication and help her lose 40lbs in the process, but also created a program that is helping millions of overweight people getting back in shape and losing those excess pounds. This weight loss program is the result of 15 years of study and research.

You can read the review on this webpage or visit the site directly here.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Eat and Exercise - lessons in a healthy lifestyle from our ancestors

In the past our ancestors hunted wild animals for meat, farmed, gathered berries, nuts and plants to have a healthy and nutritious diet. This was long before we had fast food restaurants and tv-dinners.

Before the beginning of agriculture and the domestication of animals we were called "hunter-gatherers". There are still many tribes in the world who live this way of life these days. What is interesting for health conscious people today is that these people do not have anywhere near the amount of diseases that we have here today like, cancer, strokes, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure that cause 75% of all fatalities in the USA today.

Many people argue that the reason that these people did not get these diseases was because they did not live long enough, usually dying at a young age. While it is true that many people died early in their life usually due to infections or other accidents since they did not have our modern medicine. But the people who did survive these set backs lived a long life even some times surpassing the longevity of today’s people.

So why didn't our ancestors and many of tribes in the world today get the same diseases like heart disease and high blood pressure? Scientist believe it is because their diet and exercise has a lot to do with it.

How did these scientist know what these people ate and lived long time ago? Well they have found the bones of these people and analysed them in a lab. Bones reveals how much calcium a person consumed in his or er diet and also reveals how strong this person was. Also there are still people living in the world as hunter-gatherers. Some people call these people primitive, but they are mistaken, because hey have very sophisticated knowledge about plants, animals and vitamins and minerals in their environment. Scientists are trying to learn as much as they can about their knowledge of plants which can be used for medicine.

Today it is well known that these hunter-gatherer tribes live in the same way as our early ancestors did. Scientists are studying these tribes to determine what contributes to their exceptional health. What they found out is that in the past men an women got a lot more exercise than the average person today. This is because they have to engage in constant physical activity to hunt or gather food to eat. The men in these tribes are like our ancestors hunters. Hunting requires walking and running for hours and days to track an kill animals. Women in these tribes are no couch potatoes either. Their primary task is to gather food like berries, nuts and fruits which also required long hikes and walks. And on their return trip they had to carry all this food and in addition many were carrying their babies on thei backs too. Picking of fruit didn't necessarily mean off the ground. Usually it meant climbing trees or digging out roots buried in the ground.

With regards to diet these tribes as well as our ancestors got most of their nutrients from meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. These food groups provided our ancestors with a good healthy diet. Much healthier than our current diets with cereals, white flour and processed foods. Also they are more calcium (for strong bones) and fiber (which prevents colon cancer) than we do today. Our ancestors ate a high-protein, high fiber diet. Their intake of sodium, which causes high blood pressure in some people, was far lower than the intake of the average American today. When they consumed fat they consumed polyunsaturated animal fats instead of the hydrogenated plant fats that are included in today’s processed foods.


What is interesting is that their cholesterol intake was higher than modern peoples
because they consumed much more meat than most folks in “civilized” societies now. However, our ancestors, and today’s hunter-gatherers, ate wild game which has a much lower fat content than animals raised in confinement today. Furthermore, these fats were of the polyunsaturated type, the opposite of what is contained in our confinement raised beef, pork and poultry.

Also these wild animals ate a natural diet that did not contain hormones,  tranquilizers and antibiotics what our animals in farms eat today. These wild animals had as much as 20% less fat than domesticated, confinement raised animals on commercial “factory” farms. These early people also did not have to contend with refined flour and grains which have had the fiber removed, so their food had more bulk and roughage than present day processed products.

If we want to live longer and healthier lives we can take lessons from our ancestors: Eat whole un-refined grains, free-range or wild meats, and plenty of high-fiber vegetables. Limit your intake of carbohydrates and eat a high protein diet based on lean meats. Avoid sugars.

Are you looking for a good healthy diet to follow to lose those excess pounds? I can really recommend Isabel De Los Rios program the diet solution where you learn what foods are good for you and your family. It covers nutrition and dieting and is a real life style changer. Find out more here
Isabel De Los Rios is a certified nutritionist and the owner of New Body a fitness and nutrition centre based in New Jersey.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Shopping for Low Cholesterol Foods

If you have high cholesterol levels chances are that your doctor has recommended that you follow a low cholesterol diet. The dietary changes are the easiest and fastest way to change your blood cholesterol levels. Therefor it is important that you have the persistence and perseverance to change your old shopping and eating habits to buy only low cholestrol foods to make a positive impact on your health.

A positive side affect of a low cholesterol diet is weight loss. The excess body fat is risky because it leads to higher levels of blood cholesterol. The loss in weight will also decrease risks of suppering from high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

These days there are many books and websites written about diets that help you lower your cholesterol trough diets.  This is a good thing because they give us the information to help us with our health. It is important to know that all of these diets follow the same principle,
namely that foods that are high in cholesterol should be eaten with moderation while saturated and trans fats should be avoided all together.

There is one confusing thing about low cholesterol diets, not all high cholesterol foods are
necessarily bad for ones health.  Numerous studies have shown that saturated and trans fats have a far greater impact on raising cholesterol levels than foods that contain high amounts of cholesterol.If you would eat these two types of fats in large amounts it will raise your cholesterol to dangerous levels.

For example. We have been told that we should avoid eggs, or at least the yolks, because they contain high amounts of cholesterol.  Because they thought that high cholesterol in food automatically translates to high cholesterol in the blood. But it doesn't work that way. Would you cook these eggs in butter and add some bacon or sausage on the side is where it would change. The saturated fats from the butter and the bacon or sausage will have raise your cholesterol while the eggs alone would have little to no impact.

The next time you go out to do some grocery shopping you need to read the labels carefully. Avoiding foods that contain saturated or trans-fats on their label is the key to getting cholesterol under control.

I would suggest making a list of foods that you can eat that are healthy as well as cholesterol friendly before you go to the grocery store. These days there are plenty of websites or books that contain recipes and lists of groceries that will help you meet your lower cholesterol goal.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Leading a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

Maintaining a balanced nutritional plan is vital for providing our bodies with the nutrients required to make them function properly. Most people's lifestyles show us that our choices in food and drinks have not been healthy and that we are missing out on a lot of minirals and nutrients. A good example of food that has lost its nutrients are processed foods. 

Most of the foods we are now living off do not contain essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals. So much so that it has become very important for us to focus on good eating habits and the use of additional supplements where necessary.


There are various supplements available that you can choose from depending your current needs. These nutritional supplements should provice you with the extra nutrients, vitamins and minirals that your body needs to maintain your good health.

It is vital that you sit down and plan your bodies requirements for all the essential items in your daily diet. Your personal requirements should provide you with all the carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and healthy fats.

Water is also an essential part of the diet. This helps you get rid of all the toxins in your body.

Your plan should give you a balanced diet which is full of nutrition that does not leave you hungry and craving for unnecessary snacks. Also be sure to eat lot's of fruit and vegetables and a good night's sleep will help your body rejuvenating your cells.

With this kind of nutritional program combined with exercises you will be on your way to a new healthier body and mind. Take your time with this process. This is not something you should change overnight but with persistence and perseverance the damage done through years of eating wrong foods and lifestyle can be reversed.

Interested in some good weight loss programs that help you lead an healthier and active lifestyle click here.